Library On Your Schedule
Kiosk at Crumpton Park
Where is the kiosk located?
The kiosk is located at Crumpton Park, 2210 Dudley’s Corner Road, Crumpton, MD.
Do I need a library card to use the kiosk?
Yes, you do need a library card. If you don’t have one, apply for one here.
My library card is saved to my phone - can I use that to check out materials?
Yes! The scanner will read the barcode off your phone or you can manually type in your library card number.
What is in the kiosk?
A small collection of books, movies, and video games for all ages are in the kiosk. View all materials in the kiosk here.
How do I use the kiosk?
The kiosk works very much like a vending machine for library materials. There is a screen that you will use to access the collection inside the machine. Just choose the item you wish to check out, scan your library card, and the machine will dispense the item(s) and a receipt.
Can I pick up holds from the kiosk?
Not at this time. Our Mobile Library can bring holds to its many stops in the North County area. View their schedule here.
Where can I return my items?
There is a small book drop next to the machine to take your returns. You can also return items to the Mobile Library, Centreville, or Kent Island Branches.