II. The Collection
QACL’s collection of books and other media provides a wide range of literary, cultural, educational, informational and recreational materials for people of all ages. Collections include popular and in-demand materials as well as special formats, such as large print books. Since no library can feasibly acquire all print and non-print materials, every library must of necessity employ a policy of selectivity in acquisitions. Selection decisions are made on the basis of staff member judgment, expertise and knowledge of what is already in the collection, and by evaluating reviews and other selection tools. Staff members may elect not to purchase vanity press and self-published items if the author’s credentials are not apparent. The variety of formats collected include:
Print: books, documents, magazines, newspapers, pamphlets, and maps.
Audiovisual Media: videos on DVD and Blu-ray, books and music on CD.
Electronic Media: databases, software, electronic books, downloadable audio books, videos and music. The library also provides access to the Internet. Selected Internet sites are cataloged and linked to the Library’s website.
Other: e-readers, multimedia kits, educational toys, and selected audiovisual equipment.
QACL recognizes the wealth of resources available through other libraries on Maryland’s Eastern Shore and other areas of the state and does not needlessly duplicate materials. The Maryland MARINA Inter-Library System makes available the resources of neighboring municipal, county, and academic libraries to QACL customers. Access to the holdings of Maryland libraries and many libraries throughout the United States is available through SAILOR a service of Maryland’s public libraries that provides broadband Internet access for public libraries, schools, and local government in Maryland, and an extensive collection of specialized online research tools for the use of Maryland public library customers.
QACL welcomes customer requests to add specific materials to the collection. QACL staff members thoroughly review all such recommendations prior to making a determination on whether to add. Decisions are guided by this document, QACL’s mission, and available budget.