
Internet Policy

The Queen Anne’s County Free Library offers free access to the Internet on library computers and via a wireless network for use with personal equipment.  The following operating guidelines have been established to make your use of library Internet services positive and secure.  By reading and accepting this policy you agree to be bound by its rules.

  1. Only the library’s web site is maintained by the library. The library has no control over and is not responsible for the content of any other site. Not all Internet sources provide accurate, complete or current information and some may be illegal, or considered offensive, controversial, or sexually explicit.

  2. Individuals with or without library cards may obtain a visitor’s pass to use the library’s Internet computers. Those with their own laptops or Internet enabled devices can access the library’s wireless network by agreeing to the online policy.

  3. Parents are responsible for the safety and security of minors using the Internet. Parents who are concerned about the contents of the Internet are strongly advised to closely supervise their children’s use of this service. The library will accommodate requests from parents to block Internet use for their minor children on library computers.

  4. The library expects that the service will be used for legitimate communication, educational, and informational needs. The library uses a filter on its network to block access to sites deemed by the Library Board and Library Director as inappropriate for workstations in public areas shared by both children and adults. Library staff may unblock sites for adults to enable access for bona fide research or other lawful purposes.

  5. Internet accessible computers are available during library hours, subject to periodic maintenance. All Internet sessions will end 10 minutes prior to Library closing time.

  6. The library may set time limits for Internet sessions and daily use. If there is no one waiting, time may be extended at the staff’s discretion with the understanding that the user may be asked to relinquish the additional time if another user is waiting.

  7. Printing in color or black/white is available for the same cost as photocopying.

  8. Users may download files to their own flash drives or other storage devices. Patrons may not download to the computer hard drive or install personal software programs.

  9. The library staff is available to assist you in the use of the library’s computers, but may not be familiar with every application you wish to use. Internet experience varies among the staff. Due to scheduling, the most computer savvy staff may not always be available

  10. The wireless network is not secure. Information sent to and from your personal device may be captured by anyone else with a wireless device. The Library assumes no responsibility for the safety of equipment or for notebook/laptop computer or other wireless device configurations, security, or data files resulting from connection to the Library’s wireless access.

  11. It is prohibited to use the library’s Internet network for hacking or spreading viruses and/or any other unlawful purpose. Users may not use the Internet computers to solicit funds, to sell products/services, or for gambling.

  12. The Library reserves the right to terminate any user’s session without prior notice at anytime for any reason. If users disagree with a termination, they may appeal to the Branch Librarian. Final authority rests with the Library Director.

  13. Penalties for violating the Library’s Internet Access Policy will be as follows:

    • First time – suspension of Internet privileges for the remainder of the day

    • Second time – suspension of Internet privileges for 30 days

    • Third time – suspension of Internet privileges for one year.

    • Each successive suspension will result in the loss of Internet privileges for one year.

  14. Session termination at both Centreville and Kent Island Branches will be combined in the assessment of penalties. Loss of Internet access privileges at one branch results in loss at both branches.

  15. Destruction or damage to equipment, software, or data belonging to the library will be dealt with in an appropriate manner.

 Approved by the Library Board of Trustees:

June 3, 2013

Reviewed and Revised January 22, 2018